ReadyUse Content Tutorial

This tutorial will step you through customizing a sample home page supplied with the Micrografx QuickVector™ Pack. For information on using Designer, access the online help on the Help menu. For information about Micrografx QuickVector events and commands, read Develop3.htm.

Note: Print this page.

Before you read any further, print this page so you have a hard copy to refer to when working with the tutorial.

  1. Start Micrografx Designer™.
  2. On the File menu, click Open.
  3. Double-click the file DEFAULT.DSF located in the Demo folder of the Corporate folder of the Ready Use folder.
  4. Select the graphic of the woman above the main graphic.
  5. On the Object Menu, choose Properties. The Object Properties dialog box opens.
  6. Place your mouse pointer in the Object Name field and type pic1. You have named this object in order to specify commands for the object to execute in response to user-initiated events.
  7. Click the QuickVector Events tab.
  8. Click OnLoad in the Event list.
  9. Click Paste Verb. A list of command verbs appears.
  10. Click HideObject. The verb appears in the Action box. When Navigator opens the drawing containing this object, the object is hidden.
  11. Drag the graphic on top of the graphic of the woman writing. What looks like a mess is actually layers of objects on top of each other. You will not see these objects in your browser until a user-initiated event specifies the object to display.
  12. Select the text "Accounting Policies".
  13. Click OnMouseEnter in the Event list of the Object Properties dialog box.
  14. Click the Action box and type as pic1 ShowObject; When the mouse pointer enters the text object, the graphic of the woman will display.
  15. Click Close.
  16. On the File menu, click Save.
  17. Open the file DEFAULT.HTM located in the same folder in your browser.
  18. Move your mouse pointer over the text "Accounting Policies." Notice the graphic of the woman shows on the left side of the graphic.

Creating Home Pages with ReadyUse Content

"ReadyUse Content Tutorial" online version. © 1997 by Micrografx, Inc.